Monday, February 17, 2014

Photos from Las Cruces

Here is a smattering of the day in photos. Thanks to Steve for these pics and to our other amazing chaperones: Debra, Vicente, Ken, Kim, and Juba. We couldn't have done it without you!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Las Cruces!

To our devoted fans,

Sorry we did not live blog as promised yesterday while at the State Championship in Las Cruces. We were not able to access the wifi and without that, it was incredibly challenging to use our technology. Besides, with 13 teams competing and each of our teams in 6 matches, we were really running around without much time for keeping you updated--sorry!

The Octobots and Syntax Errors were phenomenal yesterday, well beyond their point-scoring capabilities. As in all competitions, they overcame robot and programming malfunctions to really be their best selves on and off the playing field.

Each team played 6 qualifying matches and in the last two, we were opposing each other! After the qualifying round, the Syntax Errors advanced to 3rd place and were geared up for the quarterfinals. The Octobots were not in the top 6 but were chosen to participate in the quarterfinals with another charter team from Gallup,NM.  The final scores for the day can be found here.

We know that VEX competitions are about so much more than numbers on a scoreboard. Our students were amazing in meeting other teams, finding out about their robots and cheering on everyone. One Las Cruces team arrived with all of their components still boxed up. Our students rushed to their aid and ultimately Aidan, Morgan, Kabira and Sara worked with them to have a functioning robot just about when matches began--kudos to them! Competitions also provide students opportunities to advocate for themselves and others. During one of the Syntax Errors' final matches we felt a rule had been violated. Sara, Kabira and Eden were able to look up the official rule and boldly strode up to the head official to use evidence to support their claim. He heard them and was sure to tell the other officials about the rule for the remaining matches.

The awards ceremony was a bit tense, with all of the excitement about sending two teams to Worlds this year. Alas, we were not selected, but our friends at ASK Academy in Rio Rancho were as well as a kind team from Carlsbad. Best of luck to those teams as they head off on their adventure.

Although the competition was full of excitement, lunch may have been the most joyous.  NMSU supported the event by providing a meal ticket to all of our students and our adult chaperones. If you want to encourage middle and high school students to attend university, take them to an all-you-can-eat cafeteria with fresh ingredients and a waffle bar! We were all well-fed, courtesy of the University, and for that we were very grateful.

While photos are forthcoming from the day's events, you can actually see some of our students in the Las Cruces Sun! Check out Aidan B and Liam (and Aidan's dad, Kent) in a still photo and Reina, Sevilla and Jack in the last video.

Keep checking back, or subscribe through your email using the button to the right. Photos are coming as will be information on how the end of our season unfolds.

Thank you to all of you for your support this season!
~The Syntax Errors & The Octobots

Thursday, February 13, 2014

We've Got Spirit, How 'bout You?!

Today in practice we created our own team cheer. Here it is:

1,2,3,4… robots rock, let's play some more!

5,6,7,8… everyone let's go play great!

Syntax Errors, Octobots, we build robots lots and lots!

 We are cheerful we are proud come on people let's be loud!

 39-69 our robots are looking fine!

 73-52 we got game, how about you?!

Syntax errors t shirts!

T shirts!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Programming "in action"

She tirelessly works and reworks the programming. 

State Championships Are One Week from Today!

Exactly one week from today we will be at the New Mexico State Championships! Two teams from this event will qualify for the World Championships in Anaheim, CA in April. Last year with only 5 competitors we had the good fortune to win the Excellence Award which entitled us to go to Worlds. This year the event will host 15 teams! It is so exciting to see the growth in our state over the course of just one year. We have our work cut out for us this week making final programming and building changes as well as getting in some drive time.

If you are in Las Cruces next weekend, check out the event-we'd love to see our supporters there, especially after the 4am departure time from Albuquerque. We'll need all of the energy we can muster!
~The Octobots & The Syntax Errors

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Random photo

lots of progress

herroooooooooooo. Today is thursday february 6th and a ton of progress is getting made, sending thank you cards, programming, construction, deconstruction, the whole kazoo. State championships are coming up soon, feeling pretty confident in the two teams. There is alot of "re-modeling" for the two robots so we can do better in the state competition witch decides who goes to worlds.